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Communication is Key

Since I have moved to Florida State University it has been very important to me to stay in touch with my loved ones, friends and co-workers. Most importantly I have kept in close contact with my family, I am the oldest of my siblings and the first to go away to college so it is not easy. Even though my parents say that it doesn't affect them too much that I am gone, I know it does. I keep in contact in numerous ways, I believe in having many ways to show the people in my life what I do on a daily basis, what struggles I face and what my accomplishments are on a weekly basis. What surprised me the most was how much I have been using social media and technology since I started attending Florida State, I have become more knowledgable and experienced because of my time away.

Texting is a huge part of the way I stay in touch with my friends, family and co-workers. It doesn't take a lot of my time up, just a few seconds I can remind someone important to me that I am thinking about them and miss them. The person I text the most is my mom, she sometimes has a hard time with me being away and when I stay in constant communication with her it makes it easier for her. All moms are the same they like to know every detail that is going on in your life and boy that is the definition of my mom, she likes to know everything from what I had for breakfast or how I did on difficult exam. So just sending a quick text on my way to class lets me show my mom she's in my thoughts and it takes no effort on my part. I left a lot of friends back home when I moved up to Florida State from Miami, a lot of those friendships I had my entire life and sometimes I start to become homesick when I see all my friends back home

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together and having fun. So I text all the time, usually in group chats so I can hear the latest gossip, what their doing for the weekend and how their new college experience is.

September 10, 2015 9:09 AM
Megan: Hey mom, good morning!
Mom: Hi sweetie, whats your plans for today?
Megan: I have work from 10-6, then I am working on some homework and going to this social in my dorm- should be fun!
Mom: Sounds good, make sure to eat at work and I hope you meet a ton of new friends at this social!
Megan: Thanks ma, hows dad and the girls? Are Shannon and Sam doing good in school? Mom: They are doing great, of course Shannon is getting great grades as usual but sam is having a much harder time getting acclimated to high school. I think she feels a little inferior to Shannon, you should probably text her and see how she's holding up.
Megan: Will do, I love you I will text you tonight when I get home from work.

September 10, 2015 8:43 PM
Megan: Hey Sam, hows the new school year so far have you made a lot of friends?
Sam: Hey Meg!! We miss you over here, yeah its just okay so far I am still trying to get used to it.
Megan: I know how you feel I am still trying to wrap my head around being here and so far away from you guys, its weird.
Sam: I know what you mean, cant wait to come up for one of the football games and see you soon!
Megan: Me too Sammy, miss you guys I will call you later in the week! Love you!

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Another example of a way I stay in contact is a little more advanced than texting, a few weeks ago my whole family wanted to be able to talk at the same time so I thought of using Skype, me and my sisters already had accounts but it was quite hilarious to watch my parents struggle through the process. What was even more funny is that every family member except me was in the same house just different rooms- it was so entertaining to watch my family yell across the house to each other and hear it from one of their screens. Having little times where I could just talk to my family for twenty minutes I used to think would not be a big deal, but it is. Talking with my family improves my mood when ever I’m stressed over a class or have anxiety about my new sorority it comforts me to know that their just a click away. 

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