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Artist Statement For Brochure:


One of the two genres I chose for my presentation was a brochure. I chose a brochure because I wanted to explain my topic in some detail before moving on. I find it important to educate my audience on what my research was about because I want them to understand obesity through the points I am trying to make and not just their prior knowledge of the topic. My brochure will include basic facts about obesity, and explain the social aspects contributing to obesity in America. Most think that obesity is caused only because of fast food restaurants like McDonalds but that is not the case, social aspects in America is what’s causing the obesity rates to go up. I want to make it a clear point that yes diet and exercise are factors in obesity, but what Americans are getting confused is that they think those are the ONLY factors. Several more social aspects is why Americas obesity rates are likely to double by 2020. That is only about 5 years, and when Americans understand how to prevent obesity and acknowledge these social aspects the obesity rates will have a chance to decrease. It’s a choice and it’s the people’s choice. Having a healthy mind leads to a healthy lifestyle but we just need to be aware of the other factors involved before we can strive for that healthy lifestyle. In my brochure I am going to name and explain each of these “social aspects.” I chose this genre if I am being completely honest to try and change the opinion of my audience because I know what their initial thoughts are when they hear the word obesity. My points in my brochure will include how income is a factor of obesity, those who make more will clearly have healthier food and those who make less will have to budget on what type of food they are ingesting. Next in the brochure will include how physical education is being cut from the school systems and that is the first step to making the children of America obese, how the age of technology is causing more and more Americans to become even lazier and receive less exercise; and finally how criticism and support towards those who are obese is actually just as important as daily exercise. Understanding all of these social aspects will help my audience see how obesity is not one factor, its many and in order to prevent it we need to acknowledge every single of of those factors.


Artist Statement for Flow Chart:


I chose a flow chart as one of my genres for two main reasons. I wanted to engage my audience with my presentation and not simply just read to them. You can read off facts and explain to your audience what your topic is about but having a part of your presentation that is interactive will make them fully understand the topic better. Secondly, I wanted my audience to understand what I mean when I say that there are several factors to obesity. Like I mention in the beginning of my project most Americans think that fast food is the reason for obesity; and I want to be very clear when I say that it IS a factor but it is not the sole factor. Many social aspects are what’s contributing so heavily to obesity in America today, my flow chart might seem like a lot of questions. I did this on purpose. Most flow charts are usually quick and a few questions, I wanted mine to be different. I had so many questions that led to your percentage of becoming obese to show that there truly is that many social factors that contribute, it is not just one reason. Throughout my research paper I talked about how income affects obesity because of the type of food a person or family will be consuming, it is straight forward if one makes more money the can afford healthier food but one who is on a tight budget (like a college student per say) will be more apt to choose the fast food route. My audience in my research paper was more broad than my presentation, my presentation audience consists of people that have already finished grade school so with regards to physical education in the schooling system I was forced to ask if you used to have it and not if you are currently receiving physical education in your school. Within the past five years, P.E. classes have been cut in half in schools across the nation for budgeting. Schools are considering physical education a waste of money, and without physical education many students will get little to no exercise. I asked in the flow chart if bullying was ever a factor in someone in my audience life, because criticism can make people do drastic things to their weight. And the last main topic I incorporated into my flow chart was technology; this was one of the main social aspects I linked with obesity in my paper. Technology although great for some parts of society is catastrophe towards obesity rates. Technology makes people lazy, makes them stay inside instead of exercising and is a main cause on why so many Americans are putting on the pounds. My flow chart shows all of these factors and helps my audience see how many there are to consider, when each member in my audience finds their results I think they will be surprised to how high the number is on the chance of them becoming obese.


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