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Applying to Project 2

My paragraph from my paper-

Another social aspect that is contributing to obesity in America is how we are in a “computer age.” This not only affects children but it affects adults in America, jobs are less physical and an employees sit behind a desk from 9-5. Everything in todays society is based through technology, which gives us ways to complete tasks smarter. But is smarter the right word? Having smart technology helps us cut corners, do things in half the time and most of the time have little to no manual labor. Bill Gates once said “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it”, this quote is the perfect example of how technology intertwines with exercise. Technology has advantages and disadvantages but the disadvantages are affecting obesity more than we think; with these “corners being cut” and less and less manual labor being involved in jobs people are just getting lazier and fatter. Bill Gates was right, a lazy person will find the easy way out to complete a task and the lazier people are the less exercise they will receive. Without Americans adding more exercise into their lives the obesity rates are just going to keep rising. People are glued behind their computers; more than two thirds of adult Americans are considered obese or overweight. And these statistics are just going to keep rising if a change is not made, technology and exercise need to be balanced.

There are three different ways I can intergrate this quote from Bill Gates into my paper. The first way can be by block quoting which is where you include quotations that have more than four lines of prose or three lines of a verse but then take those quatations marks and omit them and make the text in either a different color or in bold, with the source cited. The second way I can intergrate this quote could be through paraphrasing, which is basically rewording the text; showing clarity. After including the quote explain what is means and how it is revelant. Giving a summary of what this quote means and how it regards to my research. The third option is embedding this quote into your sentence, a mixture of block quoting and paraphrasing.

The option I would go with out of the three choices will be through paraphrasing. In the McCraw handbook it states to give an example and explain in your own words the quote you are talking about. After stating Bill Gates word I will explain how this relates to my topic of obesity in America and why I find it revelant.

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