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Project 3 Proposal

My multi genre project topic is about how social aspects in society contribute to obesity in America. The two genres I will be using to express a full understanding of my topic is through a brochure and a flow chart. My audience will be geared towards a crowd of young adults and my classmates. Understanding how many different social aspects are the reason for obesity in America is what I want my audience to understand, at the end of my presentation I want my audience to realize that the typical stereotypes are not the sole reason for obesity in America. In my brochure I will include ways to prevent becoming overweight with steps to show how easy it is to keep ones weight under control. The brochure is worthy of being apart of my paper because of how different it is compared to regular MLA format papers. With a brochure I can show my audience the comparison of a healthy life and an unhealthy life, agreements and disagreements regarding medical spending on this disease- a comparison which is always vital in my paper. Having the freedom to show more than one point on obesity is why I chose a brochure, it lets me give my audience as much detail as possible. My second genre will be a flip chart asking simple questions about my audiences day to day life. I want my audience to realize how unhealthy some lifestyle choices are, whether it be how of often a week they eat fast food, how much daily exercise they are getting or status of poverty in their neighborhood affects their chances of becoming overweight or even obese. The flow chart will give my audience a chance to engage with me, the topic and themselves; having interaction throughout a presentation is what makes the viewers interested in your topic and your opinion on it. These two genres really give me several different ways to interact with my audience, the flow chart not only will allow the viewers to learn about themselves it will give me as a presenter a feel for who I am talking too. The brochure will allow the readers to understand the magnitude of my topic and explore ideas that contribute to this disease so greatly. The only problems I foresee is making my flow chart, as I have never made one on a word document before. These genres will add a more conversational flow to my research and allow my audience to not only be aware of the facts of other obese Americans but facts about themselves and how healthy they REALLY are.

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